Sunday, October 6, 2024

October 4, 2024

Oct. 4, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

Three Kinds of Naturalness (continued)

3. The Naturalness of the Unconditioned Realm

The Naturalness of the Unconditioned Realm includes both True Suchness and Dharma Nature.

All conditioned Dharmas are the result of intentional acts and the power of causal conditions. However, the Law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature naturally exist free of these intentional acts. Thus, it is called “ the naturalness of the unconditioned realm”. In the Infinite Life Sutra, Shakyamuni always praises the naturalness of the unconditioned realm in the Land of Bliss:

“ That Buddha-land is like the realm of unconditioned Nirvana”.

“The ground in that Buddha-land is naturally composed of seven jewels”.

“Not even the names of the three realms of suffering are heard there, but only Nirvanic sounds of bliss”.

“Those who abide there are of noble and majestic countenance, unequaled in all the worlds. Their appearance is superb, unmatched by any other beings, heavenly or human. They are all endowed with bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity."

Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity refer to the wonderful law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature. “Upon arrival in the world of the Lotus Treasure Store, one will realize the Body of Dharma Nature and True Suchness.

In the “Praise of Dharma Practice”, it says, “ follow the Buddha freely and return to naturalness. Amitabha’s Land is Pure Naturalness. We return to reality instantly, in the state of no-outflow and no-birth.”

It also says, “The Land of Bliss is an unconditioned realm.” The Land of Bliss is a realm of Nirvana with unconditioned naturalness. It is aligned with the wonderful law of True Suchness and Dharma Nature. All phenomena are naturally manifested without the need for intentional acts. They are naturally enlightened, realize Nirvana, and attain ultimate happiness without

any suffering.

Looking back, sentient beings in the Three Domains are formed by common karma, which opposes True Suchness and Dharma Nature. Every single thought of a sentient being represents one cycle of birth-and-death, and the land and environment are ever changing and impermanent.

From the point of view of the Buddha, one should not rely on or become attached to the forms produced by impermanent causal conditions. However, sentient beings cannot perceive what the Buddha perceives as reality. Thus, people act with greed and attachment, and are dragged by karmic force to reincarnate within the Six Realms, and to suffer retribution in vain.

133 三種自然 (續)






《法事讚》卷下說: 從佛逍遙歸自然。自然即是彌陀國。無漏無生還即真。

又說: 極樂無為涅槃界。極樂世界是「無為自然的涅槃境界」,與真如法性的妙理一致,所有萬物是自然顯現,不經過造作。眾生一旦往生,即契入法性,不必假藉造作修為,自然證悟涅槃,究竟離苦得樂。



Namo Amituofo!