Tuesday, November 26, 2024

November 26, 2024

Nov. 26, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

Status, power, and wealth are like guests in a motel. Wherever there is prosperity and glory, there must also be decline and sorrow. They come alternately, the same as happiness and suffering.


Namo Amituofo!

November 25, 2024

Nov. 25, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors of the Pure Land School

17. Doctor and Patient

A doctor practices medicine to improve and save lives. His targets are people with medical conditions. Only those who are sick need treatment by a doctor. Healthy people don’t.

Similarly, the targets of Amitabha Buddha’s salvation are sentient beings who need to be saved. Sentient beings comprise both sages and ordinary beings.

Sages are already freed from the cycle of life and death in the six realms. Even without Amitabha’s deliverance, they will not commit evil offenses and accrue bad karma. Ordinary beings, on the other hand, need to be saved because they commit karmic offenses and suffer endlessly. They need to be rescued from samsara.

Among ordinary beings, the virtuous ones accumulate merits by practicing good deeds, which help them avoid falling into the three wretched realms, namely - the animal, hungry ghost, and hell domains. Conversely, those who practice evil will fall into the wretched realms.

Amitabha Buddha, with unconditional compassion, offers his special mercy to those who commit sins and suffer ceaseless torments in the three wretched realms.

17. 醫病喻






Namo Amituofo!

November 24, 2024

Nov. 24, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

138. A World with No Desires (continued)

Why is the Land of Bliss or Pure Land situated in the West? Not the East, the South or the North? It is because there are Buddhas in the worlds of the ten directions, and they each have their own Buddha-lands “built” by them. It is said in the Sutras that the Land of Bliss is located in the West.

West is the direction where the sun sets. People in ancient times liked the reality and the metaphor of a beautiful sunset, as it gave them hope and a favorable impression of what rebirth in Amitabha’s world would be like after they die.

If anyone has a chance to see a sunset in India, you will know why Indians believe Amitabha’s Land of Bliss is located in the West.

138 無欲的世界 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

November 23, 2024

Nov. 23, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

138. A World with No Desires (continued)

In order to attract and guide people who are suffering in our mundane world, the Land of Bliss or Pure Land is described as the ideal world for all human beings. In Buddhism, this is known as an “expedient”means. Is this a lie? It may give people the wrong impression.

Actually, the meaning of “expedient” is “a means to guide people towards the correct purpose”. For example, a doctor who wishes to mitigate the mental suffering of a patient with a fatal illness may say, “don’t worry, it is not fatal. You can be cured and recover.” That is an example of an expedient means.

(to be continued tomorrow)

138 無欲的世界 (續)



Namo Amituofo!

November 22, 2024

Nov. 22, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

138. A World with No Desires

The Land of Bliss is called the Pure Land, which is the opposite of the Defiled Land. The Defiled Land is the human world where we presently live. Why is this world called the Defiled Land? It is because all people pursue the satisfaction of all kinds of desires; but, they are always unsatisfied, and thus annoyed. This annoyance and dissatisfaction are known as afflictions in Buddhism.

In ancient times, people were not frustrated by their lack of money and they had no desire to own a TV set. If we lived in a less modern society, we could more easily be satisfied by just meeting the basic needs of daily lives and have fewer desires. However, in our modern world, we are endlessly enticed by advertisements and shows that convince us that the key to happiness is an endless supply of material possessions. Unfortunately, the more we accumulate the more we crave, and our afflictions are never diminished.

Thus, the Pure Land is a world without any desires or any things such as: plants, flowers, jewels, palaces, delicious food, or fresh fragrances. Hence, there are NO OBJECTS OF DESIRE! Then why are these materials mentioned in the Sutras? The reason is simple. It is said to attract afflicted people such as us. Otherwise, we would not be interested in going to live there.

(to be continued tomorrow)

138 無欲的世界






Namo Amituofo!

November 21, 2024

Nov. 21, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

07. The 17th Vow in the Infinite Life Sutra

“If, when I achieve Buddhahood, innumerable Buddhas in the ten directions should not unanimously extol my name, may I not attain perfect enlightenment. “

Question: When one Buddha is born, thousands of Buddhas protect and support him/her. When Dharmakara Bodhisattva became a Buddha, it was natural for all Buddhas to praise him. Why was it necessary for Dharmakara Bodhisattva to make the Vow of Being Extolled by All Buddhas?

Answer: Dharmakara Bodhisattva made his vows proactively to deliver sentient beings through his Name. So, he made his 17th Vow to demonstrate the value all Buddhas placed on his Name, as opposed to extolling his virtues.(wisdom, light, etc.) His aim is to convince sentient beings to attain rebirth through the recitation of his Name, upon hearing about the merit and virtues within his Name, with recourse to his vow-power. Thus, following his 17th Vow - the Vow that Extols his Name, Dharmakara Bodhisattva made his 18th Vow - the Vow on Rebirth through Name-Recitation.

07. 《無量壽經》 第十七願


07.1 問:一佛出世,千佛護持,法藏比丘成佛,諸佛自然讚歎,為何還要單獨發「諸佛稱揚願」?


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 20, 2024

Nov 20, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Two - Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
第二部分 有關念佛往生

23. Question: I experienced many false thoughts during my recitation of Amitabha’s Name. Am I not on the right track with my Amitabha-recitation?
Answer: Once you become aware of the influx of false thoughts, you need only return to your recitation of Amitabha’s Name. Your scattered thoughts are a reminder of why we must completely rely on the Buddha’s power.
It is similar to a checkpoint, where thousands of people go through. However, if you decide to leave the line and go in the opposite direction, it is almost impossible. On the other hand, if a powerful and prestigious person, like a king, wants to leave the checkpoint, thousands of people will yield the way and let the king go. If we follow behind the king , we can also leave the crowd easily.
Reciting the Name ( Namo Amituofo) is like a gift from a king. Amitabha Buddha comes to save and rescue us from our karmic flow towards the Three Wretched Realms (which is exemplified by our scattered thoughts), and transport us to his Pure Land.
When we recite the Name, all of our scattered thoughts will give way. The reason we even notice our false thoughts is that we are traveling in the opposite direction of them. Actually, even if there is no change in the amount of false thoughts, we should still realize they cannot obstruct Amitabha’s deliverance.


Namo Amituofo!

November 19, 2024

Nov 19, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Grace of Deliverance

The compassion and wisdom of Amitabha
Are equal for both enemies and friends.
They transcend good and evil.
For someone to comment on whether the good or the evil are to be delivered,
Reveals one’s ignorance of Amitabha’s great compassion
And make them unable to receive Amitabha’s deliverance.


Namo Amituofo!

November 18, 2024

Nov 18, 2024
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teachings about the Grace of Deliverance

The bright Sun must set.
The full moon’s shape must change.
Glory and withering, prosperity and decline,
Are normal phenomena in our world.
The wind of impermanence
Comes without any designated time.


Namo Amituofo!

November 17, 2024

Nov 17, 2024
Wonderful Analogies in Pure Land School

Metaphor 16: Building a House

Imagine that a father and mother have just built a new house for their children, with a well-designed interior, beautiful garden, and backyard. However, the children are either unable to move into the house or they are unwilling to do so. Thus, the new house will become meaningless to the parents.

Amitabha Buddha made his 48 vows for sentient beings in the ten directions to achieve Buddhahood through rebirth in his Pure Land. Of all his vows the 18th vow is particularly important, since it ensures the rebirth of all aspirants who recite the Buddha’s name. Without this vow, sentient beings could not gain rebirth in the Pure Land. Without this vow, all of Amitabha’s other vows would be rendered meaningless. That is why the 18th vow is known as the Fundamental Vow.

Master Shandao defined the 18th vow as the Fundamental Vow of Buddha Amitabha. It reveals “the underlying wish of Amitabha that sentient beings should recite his name single-mindedly.”

16. 建房喻



阿彌陀佛種種的願,都是為了十方眾生的往生成佛。第十八願是念佛往生之願,有此願,眾生就能念佛往生,沒有此願,眾生就不能念佛往生;不能念佛往生,其他的願就沒有存在的意義。所以,就這一點來講,這第十八願才是真正的本願 — 根本之願。


Namo Amituofo!

November 16, 2024

Nov 16, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

Let’s talk about another little question:

The four directions of east, south, west, and north are determined by the earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the North Pole of the Earth. Hence, they are relatively determined. Thus, whether the USA is on the east side or the west side of the Earth is basically the same. However, in outer space the four directions cannot be definitely determined. Therefore, when the Buddha says the Land of Bliss is in the west, it is spoken in an expedient way to facilitate the understanding of sentient beings.

However, to facilitate the practice of our teaching, a direction must be specified. So, the west was chosen to enable sentient beings to focus more specifically. The sun sets in the west, which denotes rest and a return home. So, people regard sunset as a time for rest and return. When we struggle in the Land of Saha for our entire lives, we will naturally think of returning home when we see the sunset. This is the reason the west was chosen?

(extracted from “ A Talk on the Pure Land In Today’s Language” by Cheng-Ji Zhang)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)







Namo Amituofo!

Friday, November 15, 2024

November 15, 2024

Nov 15, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

If we throw away all of these traditionally biased views, and take more of an accommodating approach when reviewing the descriptions of the Land of Bliss in the Three Pure Land Sutras, we can clearly see that the Land of Bliss is an ideal place for cultivation, without any of the adverse conditions or obstructions in the human realm. It is stable and relaxed.

For example, a big source of suffering in our Saha realm is sexual lust, which can also be a big obstruction to one’s cultivation. Thus it is said that the Land of Bliss has no “women”; but, clearly it also has no “men”.

In the Land of Saha, sentient beings often hurt each other because of food and clothing; so, it is said that food and clothing come to you as you wish in the Land of Bliss. The 46th Vow says, “Bodhisattvas in my Land are able to spontaneously hear whatever Dharma teachings they may wish.” They hear them through the trees and flowers.

In the Land of Saha there are many heretical masters; but, in the Land of Bliss, all beings are sagely and sacred. You will have many Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment as good companions.

In the Land of Saha people fight and murder because of money; but, in the Land of Bliss gold and jewels are everywhere. Hence, there is no point in people fighting over them.

Due to karmic obstructions, people in the Saha realm are not free to act. Our teachings and knowledge about the universe are very limited; so, it is said that, in the Land of Bliss, living beings have paranormal powers and can conveniently travel to any of the worlds in the ten directions within one thought, to hear teachings from all of the Buddhas conveniently.

Comparing the two worlds, we know the virtuous forms of the Pure Land are described for the sake of our pain and shortcomings. So, by understanding this main principle, we can appreciate the Dharma spoken by the Buddha, and not argue about the minor literal meanings of the descriptions.

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)








Namo Amituofo!

November 14, 2024

Nov 14, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

Regarding the thirty-two marks of excellence of a male, the Buddha described what constituted a handsome appearance of a man. These thirty-two marks of excellence would have been appropriate for an Indian male.

Actually, it is better to read Amitabha’s 3rd Vow, where “the color of everyone’s body is pure gold and all are equal”, thus eliminating racial discrimination. The 4th Vow also says - “there are no differences in appearance or beauty, which eliminates all judgements of beauty and ugliness.”

Based on these two vows, there are no genders in the Pure Land. As said in the Infinite Life Sutra, “That Buddha-land, like the realm of unconditioned Nirvana, is pure and serene, resplendent and blissful. The sravakas, bodhisattvas, heavenly beings and humans there have lofty and brilliant wisdom, and are masters of supernatural powers. They are all of one form, without any differences; but, are called 'heavenly beings' and 'humans' simply by analogy with the states of existence in other worlds. They are of noble majestic countenance unequaled in all the worlds, whether heavenly or human. They are all endowed with bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity."

Also, the 10th Vow says, “If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should give rise to thoughts of self-attachment, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

This explains that people there have no thoughts of self-attachment, so they don’t care about their bodies. How could they discriminate against those in “male” or “female” bodies?

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)







Namo Amituofo!

November 13, 2024

Nov 13, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

With respect to the joy of the Pure Land, it is not based on the kind of jeweled trees, jeweled ponds, heavenly music, and wonderful fragrances that we are used to experiencing. Actually, the true “joy” in the Pure Land is Dharma joy, not a joy dependent upon the kinds of matter and sounds we are accustomed to.

Apart from the delight of hearing the Dharma, Dharma joy is a kind of deeper joy that transcends all worldly joys and is known as “utmost bliss.” As said in Amitabha’s 39th Vow - “If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should not enjoy happiness and pleasure comparable to that of a monk who has eliminated all of his passions, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

The happiness and pleasure of a monk who has eliminated all of his passions is the wondrous joy of emancipation generated by his realization of the nature of Nirvana, which transcends all thoughts and words in the realm of relativity. This is the aim of the Pure Land teaching through the ultimate value and meaning of our faith in Amitabha and Shakyamuni. It is a most important aspect of our teaching that is always neglected in other Buddhist teachings.

Regarding the other challenge about the thirty-two marks of excellence of a male and dislike of a female body, it originates from Indian tradition and the environment of the Buddha’s time. The history of human civilization has generally been male-centered. This is a matter of fact.

Regardless of its morality or unfairness, it is our history. In male-centered societies, it's an inevitable fact that females suffer from bullying and discrimination. Please never forget that a primary focus of Shakyamuni’s teaching is the elimination of Suffering for All beings. Quite clearly women were and are included in Buddhism’s mission.

If the Buddha were to share the Dharma with Americans today, he would certainly use more egalitarian and inclusive language. Moreover, it should be noted that the Mahayana Sutras are totally different from those of earlier Buddhism. In the Mahayana teachings the Buddha strongly praises women, and gives examples of women becoming Buddhas. He also shared teachings showing that women are certainly capable of exceeding men.

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)







Namo Amituofo!

November 12, 2024

Nov 12, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

In the Pure Land Sutras, the Land of Bliss was depicted in a manner that would have appealed to the Indian people during Shakyamuni Buddha’s time. This included: gold, seven jewels, heavenly flowers, wonderful incense, and water of eight virtues.

The Buddha always tried to present the ideal Land of Bliss in ways that would be as accurate as possible, yet still appealing to the students he was addressing. Some may feel his language is not acceptable in our present time and differing locations; and we would find beautiful trees, flowers, and green grass more desirable.

Please consider, among those who are reborn, are their feelings and judgment of beauty the same as ours? The way they thought of the seven jewels, fences, and flowers is totally different from how we do today.

Do you understand that, even though gold and treasures may not be as esteemed in our universe, they have an infinite lifespan and beauty. Actually, gold, agate, tridacna, etc. are used to describe the Pure Land’s uniqueness and wonders, which may not be considered real treasures in the human world.

It is difficult to describe the inconceivable splendor and adornment in the Land of Bliss. Repeatedly, it is said in the Pure Land Sutras, as in Amitabha’s 27th Vow: “If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings should be able, even with the divine eye, to distinguish by name and calculate by number all the myriads of manifestations provided for the humans and devas in my land, which are glorious and resplendent, and have exquisite details beyond description, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

Also, in the 32nd Vow: “If, when I attain Buddhahood, my land should not be resplendent, revealing in its light all the immeasurable, innumerable and inconceivable Buddha-lands, like images reflected in a clear mirror, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”

Limited by their language and restricted by their realm, it is difficult for a speaker to clearly describe the beauty and joy of the Pure Land to his listeners. Our realm and the Pure Land cannot be compared. So, the descriptions about the beauty and joy of the Pure Land are just expedient means, which cannot fully depict its reality. With this in mind we should be accommodating when reading the three Pure Land Sutras.

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)








Namo Amituofo!

November 11, 2024

Nov 11, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

Before responding to those three criticisms, let’s share some basic principles regarding Buddhist teachings:

1. “No Dharma is spoken by the Buddha in a definitive way.” It simply responds in accordance with sentient beings’ aptitudes and needs when establishing and expounding the teachings.

2. The principle of sharing a teaching in accord with sentient beings’ environment and needs, uses various expedient means to present them in ways that will most benefit them.

3. When previously used expedient means no longer resonate with those being taught, new explanations of the teachings are required.

4. The Buddha’s realm could not be imagined by human beings, so the Buddha had to replace the reality of its holistic, infinite, deep, and fathomless state in ways that would be attractive and desirable; yet, still convey as much as he felt his students could grasp. The Buddha had to accord with sentient beings’ minds, karma, aptitudes, and attachments when speaking the various Dharmas. So, it is inevitable that the Dharma, presented in a different time and place, seems a bit biased when judged by today’s standards. Thus, those beings who criticize Buddhist teachings should take into consideration the difficulties that the Buddha encountered. One ought to remember this point often.

Based on the four points above, we can answer in a fair manner when being asked about these issues.

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)







Namo Amituofo!

November 10, 2024

Nov 10, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

137. A General Discussion of Pure Land Teachings

The altruistic care given in Buddhism is based on the aptitudes, capacities, benefits, and needs of sentient beings; so as to provide the expedient means and appropriate teachings for each individual. In other words, for a certain group of sentient beings in the specific framework of time and space, the Buddha provides them various expedient means and different approaches to satisfy their needs.

As the times and environments change, the way of sharing the Buddhist teachings needs to be revised as well. The only exceptions are such ultimate truths as the Nature of Emptiness, the Buddha-Nature, Mere-Consciousness, etc. , which are unchanged eternal laws. All other teachings can change to accommodate the needs of sentient beings of different aptitudes. That is the reason why it says, “No Dharma is spoken by the Buddha in a definitive way.”

With this basic understanding, we can answer all of the challenges about the Pure Land teaching. Undergraduates from the USA often ask the following questions when studying the Pure Land Teachings:

1. The environment of the Pure Land, as depicted in the Pure Land Sutras, describe the ground as made from gold, and there are also jeweled trees and ponds, and celestial sounds of music, etc. These features would not be considered enjoyable nowadays, would they? If the ground is really made of gold and trees of seven jewels, these features wouldn’t seem attractive to modern Western students. They would find a green meadow more beautiful than ground covered with gold, and natural trees and flowers more fresh and lively than jeweled ones.

2. As said in the 21st Vow - “If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should not all be endowed with the thirty-two physical characteristics of a Great Man, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” In the 35th Vow, it says, “If, when I attain Buddhahood, women in the immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha-lands of the ten quarters who, having heard my Name, rejoice in faith, awaken aspiration for Enlightenment and wish to renounce womanhood, should after death be reborn again as women, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” The two vows that advocate the superiority of males and discriminate against females, are no longer acceptable in today’s world.

3. It doesn’t adhere to what is known in Biology, teleology, and philosophy if there are no females in the Pure Land. What would be the meaning of male if there were no female?

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論







Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

November 9, 2024

Nov 9, 2024
Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

06. The Infinite Life Sutra - the 11th Vow

If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should not dwell in the Definitely Assured State and unfailingly reach Nirvana, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.

06.1 Question: Nagarjuna Bodhisattva is already a “landed” Bodhisattva, why does he still aspire to be reborn in the Land of Bliss?

Answer: A Bodhisattva who reaches the seventh stage of “land of far journey” is likely to encounter the jeopardy of sinking in “emptiness”. He may sink in the concept of formless emptiness in stillness when he deeply contemplates formlessness. He thinks that there is no pursuit of Bodhi above, and no sentient beings to be delivered below, thus he cannot become a Buddha. However, with the support and reinforcement of Amitabha’s 11th Vow, he will expedite, without obstructions, to attain perfect Enlightenment and unsurpassed merit and virtues, and to to become a Buddha to deliver sentient beings if he is reborn in the Land of Bliss.

06. 《無量壽經》第十一願


06.1 問:龍樹菩薩這樣登地的菩薩為什麼還要發願往生極樂世界?


Namo Amituofo!

November 8, 2024

Nov. 8, 2024
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Two - Rebirth through Amitabha-Recitation
第二部分 有關念佛往生

Why do I feel pure without any false thoughts while not reciting Buddha’s name, but have lots of false thoughts while reciting?
If a person doesn’t recite the Buddha’s name, he will follow his habitual behaviors and afflictions in daily life. Because this mental state has become his “norm” he doesn’t realize how scattered his mind “normally”is. However, because reciting the Buddha’s name and false thoughts go in opposite directions, it is normal to feel a lot of false thoughts. It is just like people in line going forward toward a ticket-checking point, and you don’t notice how many people are on the line.
However, when you turn around and move against the flow of the line, you feel the number of people and how difficult it is to walk against their flow. (even though the number of people is the same)


Namo Amituofo!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

November 7, 2024

Nov 7, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

In the Pure Land teaching, whoever believes and accepts will be saved, and whoever doesn’t believe and accept will sink.


Namo Amituofo!

November 6, 2024

Nov. 6, 2024
Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

When the Nature of one’s mind becomes crazy and out of control, it cannot be still for even a moment. It is just like a monkey constantly jumping from one tree to another, or like a stream that flows endlessly.


Namo Amituofo!

November 5, 2024

Nov. 5, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

A Bridge from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss (continued)

In short, whoever recites the six-syllable name “Namo Amitabha Buddha” and aspires to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss, is assured of gaining rebirth there. It is so very easy and simple.

Some people, unfortunately, misinterpret “single-mindedness” [in the practice of Amitabha-recitation]. They insist that the practitioner cannot be reborn despite his reciting the name of the Buddha, if he fails to achieve meditative concentration without delusion. Such a requirement is like erecting a fence several meters high in the middle of a bridge. It totally blocks off pedestrians and vehicles.

When Shakyamuni Buddha exhorts us “to recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly”, would he want to build a wall to block off entrance to the Bridge of Amitabha’s name? By “single-minded” practice, Shakyamuni Buddha means to protect us. He does not want us to give up the practice or switch to other miscellaneous practices. His words are like the protective railings on both sides of the bridge, guarding us from falling off. He was in fact saying, “Be careful, my child! Watch where you step. Don’t be distracted! Don’t leave this bridge!” It is the same as saying, “Concentrate on your exclusive practice of Amitabha-recitation! Don’t waver and turn to other practices. Never ever give up Amitabha-recitation, which is your only way to liberation. Other practices will lead you nowhere.

15. 搭橋喻: 從娑婆世界到達極樂世界的橋 (續)


但有人把 「一心不亂」解釋得很難,說:「雖然念佛,如果不達到禪定摒除妄念就不能往生。」那等於是在這座大橋當中攔腰又起了一道好幾丈的高牆,把所有的人車統統擋住了。釋迦牟尼佛說念佛要「一心不亂」,難道是在名號大橋當中又攔一道牆嗎?不可能! 釋迦牟尼佛說念佛要「一心不亂」,是要保護我們,怕我們念念又不念了,念念又是雜行雜修了。所以「一心不亂」等於是名號大橋兩邊的保護欄杆,保護我們不要掉下去,等於是說:「你要走好啊!

留心啊,不要亂了腳步啊!不要離了這座橋啊!」所以說「執持名號,一心不亂」,囑咐我們說:「你念佛要專心啊!不要雜啊,不要亂了主張,丟了念佛唯一一 道又去修其他行不通的道啊!」

Namo Amituofo!

November 4, 2024

Nov. 4, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

A Bridge from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss (continued)

The simplest and easiest way to liberation in all the dharma realms of the universe is Amitabha-recitation, which ensures our rebirth to the Western Land of Bliss. Imagine there is a big torrential river. Residents on the east bank are poor, while those on the west bank are rich. Without a bridge, the poor who aspire to go to the other shore will drown. A benevolent rich man funded the building of a big bridge. Well thought out and designed, the bridge enables everyone to cross the river, whether old or young, and even the handicapped. Vehicles of all types can

also drive across without any problem. It is inconceivable that the engineer of the bridge would want to build any barricades, such as a high fence, to block traffic at either end or right in the middle.

The six-character name is just like a bridge from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss. Amitabha Buddha is the engineer who designed the bridge, whileShakyamuni Buddha is the guide who stands on the bridge exhorting us to go across. All we need to do is follow the Buddhas’ calling and walk across it, without the need to bring anything with us.

(to be continued tomorrow)

15. 搭橋喻: 從娑婆世界到達極樂世界的橋 (續)





Namo Amituofo!

November 3, 2024

Nov. 3, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

A Bridge from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss

The Pure Land teaching is known as the Easy Path. Why is it called that? Because the path is based on the great power of Amitabha Buddha’s Fundamental Vow. This power assures the rebirth in the Pure Land of all those who recite Amitabha Buddha’s name. Therefore, the practice of Amitabha-recitation must be easy and doable for sentient beings of all aptitudes. In the Amitabha Sutra, there is a phrase which says, “hold fast to Amitabha’s name single-mindedly and without deviation”. If one insists on interpreting this as meaning to achieve deep meditative concentration without delusion, the practice of Amitabha- recitation would indeed be difficult.

When Amitabha designed a method for our rebirth in the Pure Land, do you think the Buddha would go for an easy one or a difficult one? Surely the former!

Only when the method is easy can our rebirth be assured and we can feel joy and

peace. If it is too difficult to practice, we will be troubled. Amitabha knows us well. With his great compassion, the Buddha suffers when we suffer and rejoices when we rejoice. As is stated in one scripture: as you suffer, so do I [Amitabha]; as you feel peace and joy, I do too.

Amitabha knows us well. We are iniquitous and lazy. He would not deliberately devise a cultivation method which is so difficult that it would bring us to our knees in order to be liberated from samsara.

On the contrary, the Buddha would first assess our abilities before devising the means for our salvation. He says to us, “I understand. As sentient beings suffering in this evil world of the five corruptions, you are ignorant and guilty of grave offenses. You are also unable to cultivate for your liberation due to your indolence and slackness. Not to worry. Let me show you a very easy way.

(to be continued tomorrow)

15. 搭橋喻: 從娑婆世界到達極樂世界的橋

淨土法門是「易行道」,容易在哪裡呢?就容易在有阿彌陀佛的大誓願力可以依憑。阿彌陀佛的大願力正是這一條「念佛往生願」的願力。所以念佛一定是容易的,每一個人都 可以做得到的。如果《阿彌陀經》裡 「執持名號,一心不亂」一定要解釋為如何深入禪定不起妄念的話,那也就自然不容易。




Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

November 2, 2024

Nov. 2, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

136. The real form of the Pure Land of Bliss (continued)

With respect to the palaces and pagodas, human beings understand them as shelters which is an important aspect of a home. In the Pure Land, there is no rain or wind, no summer or winter; so, it is not necessary to have shelter. Similarly, fountains and gardens are necessary as a way to relieve people from stress.

However, since there are no afflictions or hardships in the Pure Land, it isn’t necessary to have gardens with trees and ponds. So, all of these are depicted as a way of accommodating the worldly needs of human beings.

The Great Sutra says, “That Buddha Land is pure, serene, wondrous and joyful. It is equivalent to the realm of unconditioned nirvana. All of its Sravakas, Bodhisattvas, celestial and human beings have the most advanced wisdom, and thoroughly penetrating supernatural powers. They are actually all of the same type and there is no difference in their appearance.

However, in order for them to enter other realms, they assume the forms of ‘celestial and human beings.’ In the Pure Land their countenances are refined, transcendent and extraordinary. Their complexions are exquisite and marvelous, neither celestial nor human. They are all endowed with natural, immaterial bodies, and the ability to assume unlimited forms.”

So, the Land of Bliss is a realm of free will. It can manifest in any form sentient beings prefer. As the Treatise on Rebirth says, “Forever free from physical and mental afflictions, they enjoy uninterrupted happiness. All that sentient beings wish for and delight in can be satisfied. “






Namo Amituofo!

November 1, 2024

Nov. 1, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

136. The real form of the Pure Land of Bliss (continued)

Actually, it is not. These forms are used to accommodate human beings. The actual “forms” within the Pure Land cannot be described, and are far beyond the descriptions of Nirvana in the human world. The realm of Nirvana is an absolute realm, so it is totally different from the forms and marks in the human realm.

Thus, however we describe the realm of Nirvana, we cannot fully understand it. It’s similar to the way cats, dogs, and sea creatures cannot understand magnificent buildings, the value of money, or gold and silver.

Shakyamuni explained the realm of Nirvana to human beings using the analogies of jewels and jades for the palaces and pagodas, in order to show that the Land of Bliss is absolutely splendid.

In other words, the absolute realm of the Land of Bliss cannot be described or understood fully by human beings. In order to help us understand the splendors of the Land of Bliss, Shakyamuni had no alternative, but to use gold, silver and other jewels to describe and reveal the adorned forms of the Land of Bliss.

Thus, in reality, there are no palaces, pagodas, seven-jeweled trees, water with eight virtues in the ponds, and no foods with different tastes. Those terms were used to help human beings imagine those forms of existence.






Namo Amituofo!

October 31, 2024

Oct. 31, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

136. The real form of the Pure Land of Bliss (continued)

The Pure Land of Bliss is the glorious adorned world where the reward body of Amitabha Buddha resides. Actually, it is a realm of great Nirvana with respect to the Buddha’s infinite light and life. For Amitabha Buddha, it is a place where sentient beings are delivered and are reborn. For sentient beings, it is a place to be reborn, and enjoy its unsurpassed rewards.

The Buddha’s body is the Dharma substance that cannot be compared, fully described, or fully conceived. The Pure Land is the wonderful inconceivable realm where Amitabha resides. Thus, the Great Sutra says, “Seeing the adorned Pure Land, subtle and difficult-to-conceive. That Buddha-land is pure and safe, wonderful and joyful, consisting of unconditioned Nirvana. The Buddha-land is pure and adorned, surpassing all other worlds in the ten directions.

The Treatise on Rebirth says, “ The splendors of the Land of the Buddha of Infinite Life are wondrous manifestations according to the “First-Principle Truth. Ultimately [the Pure Land] is like a void, immense and boundless.” One should know that the real form of the Pure Land of Bliss is so splendid that it exceeds our narrow and deluded imaginations, and limited knowledge.

However, the Three Pure Land Sutras say, “In the Pure Land of Bliss, there are seven rows of balustrades, seven rows of decorative nets, and seven rows of trees. There are seven-jeweled ponds filled with water of the eight excellent qualities. Lotus flowers in blue, green, red and white bloom, fragrant and clear. Palaces and pagodas are magnificent and beautifully decorated with seven jewels. The ground is gold and the terrains are level, without mountains, rivers, or seas.The sounds of music permeate the sky. Birds of different colors sing a variety of melodies.

All kinds of tasty foods naturally appear as one wishes. Everyone is extremely happy. Are all these forms depictions of the reality of the Pure Land of Bliss?

(to be continued tomorrow)

136極樂淨土之真相 (續)







Namo Amituofo!

October 30, 2024

Oct. 30, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land School

136. The real form of the Pure Land of Bliss

1. The literal meaning of the Land of Bliss

As far as the literal meaning of Land of Bliss is concerned, the Amitabha Sutra says, “If you travel westward from here, passing a hundred thousand kotis of Buddha-lands, you will come to the land called 'Utmost Bliss,' where there is a Buddha named 'Amitabha.' He is living there now, teaching the Dharma.”

The Sutra on Praising the Pure Land (another version) says, “As there is no physical or mental suffering and no afflictions, there is only infinite purity, joy and peace; so, it is called the Land of Bliss.”

This is said to contrast the forms in the deluded world filled with Four Sufferings and Eight Sufferings. Thus, it is called the Land of Bliss because of the absence of the various kinds of sufferings and the complete presence of all kinds of joy. The joy in the Land of Bliss is absolute, not relative. It is true joy that transcends both happiness and suffering. As it says in the Sutra, “Great joy is no-happiness and no-suffering, which is the nature of Nirvana. Thus, Nirvana is true joy.”

The literal meaning of Bliss in the relative sense is the departure from all kinds of suffering in the deluded world, and the enjoyment of various joys. However, in terms of the absolute, it is a real realm of Nirvana with true joy that transcends all kinds of suffering and joy in the deluded world.

One ought to know: this kind of absolute joy cannot be conceived of, understood, or explained by us.

(to be continued tomorrow)






Namo Amituofo!