Friday, November 15, 2024

November 10, 2024

Nov 10, 2024
Common Knowledge in Pure Land Teaching

137. A General Discussion of Pure Land Teachings

The altruistic care given in Buddhism is based on the aptitudes, capacities, benefits, and needs of sentient beings; so as to provide the expedient means and appropriate teachings for each individual. In other words, for a certain group of sentient beings in the specific framework of time and space, the Buddha provides them various expedient means and different approaches to satisfy their needs.

As the times and environments change, the way of sharing the Buddhist teachings needs to be revised as well. The only exceptions are such ultimate truths as the Nature of Emptiness, the Buddha-Nature, Mere-Consciousness, etc. , which are unchanged eternal laws. All other teachings can change to accommodate the needs of sentient beings of different aptitudes. That is the reason why it says, “No Dharma is spoken by the Buddha in a definitive way.”

With this basic understanding, we can answer all of the challenges about the Pure Land teaching. Undergraduates from the USA often ask the following questions when studying the Pure Land Teachings:

1. The environment of the Pure Land, as depicted in the Pure Land Sutras, describe the ground as made from gold, and there are also jeweled trees and ponds, and celestial sounds of music, etc. These features would not be considered enjoyable nowadays, would they? If the ground is really made of gold and trees of seven jewels, these features wouldn’t seem attractive to modern Western students. They would find a green meadow more beautiful than ground covered with gold, and natural trees and flowers more fresh and lively than jeweled ones.

2. As said in the 21st Vow - “If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should not all be endowed with the thirty-two physical characteristics of a Great Man, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” In the 35th Vow, it says, “If, when I attain Buddhahood, women in the immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha-lands of the ten quarters who, having heard my Name, rejoice in faith, awaken aspiration for Enlightenment and wish to renounce womanhood, should after death be reborn again as women, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.” The two vows that advocate the superiority of males and discriminate against females, are no longer acceptable in today’s world.

3. It doesn’t adhere to what is known in Biology, teleology, and philosophy if there are no females in the Pure Land. What would be the meaning of male if there were no female?

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論







Namo Amituofo!