Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching
137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)
With respect to the joy of the Pure Land, it is not based on the kind of jeweled trees, jeweled ponds, heavenly music, and wonderful fragrances that we are used to experiencing. Actually, the true “joy” in the Pure Land is Dharma joy, not a joy dependent upon the kinds of matter and sounds we are accustomed to.
Apart from the delight of hearing the Dharma, Dharma joy is a kind of deeper joy that transcends all worldly joys and is known as “utmost bliss.” As said in Amitabha’s 39th Vow - “If, when I attain Buddhahood, humans and devas in my land should not enjoy happiness and pleasure comparable to that of a monk who has eliminated all of his passions, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment.”
The happiness and pleasure of a monk who has eliminated all of his passions is the wondrous joy of emancipation generated by his realization of the nature of Nirvana, which transcends all thoughts and words in the realm of relativity. This is the aim of the Pure Land teaching through the ultimate value and meaning of our faith in Amitabha and Shakyamuni. It is a most important aspect of our teaching that is always neglected in other Buddhist teachings.
Regarding the other challenge about the thirty-two marks of excellence of a male and dislike of a female body, it originates from Indian tradition and the environment of the Buddha’s time. The history of human civilization has generally been male-centered. This is a matter of fact.
Regardless of its morality or unfairness, it is our history. In male-centered societies, it's an inevitable fact that females suffer from bullying and discrimination. Please never forget that a primary focus of Shakyamuni’s teaching is the elimination of Suffering for All beings. Quite clearly women were and are included in Buddhism’s mission.
If the Buddha were to share the Dharma with Americans today, he would certainly use more egalitarian and inclusive language. Moreover, it should be noted that the Mahayana Sutras are totally different from those of earlier Buddhism. In the Mahayana teachings the Buddha strongly praises women, and gives examples of women becoming Buddhas. He also shared teachings showing that women are certainly capable of exceeding men.
(to be continued tomorrow)
137 淨土泛論 * (續上)
Namo Amituofo!