Friday, November 15, 2024

November 15, 2024

Nov 15, 2024
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

137. General Discussion on Pure Land (continued)

If we throw away all of these traditionally biased views, and take more of an accommodating approach when reviewing the descriptions of the Land of Bliss in the Three Pure Land Sutras, we can clearly see that the Land of Bliss is an ideal place for cultivation, without any of the adverse conditions or obstructions in the human realm. It is stable and relaxed.

For example, a big source of suffering in our Saha realm is sexual lust, which can also be a big obstruction to one’s cultivation. Thus it is said that the Land of Bliss has no “women”; but, clearly it also has no “men”.

In the Land of Saha, sentient beings often hurt each other because of food and clothing; so, it is said that food and clothing come to you as you wish in the Land of Bliss. The 46th Vow says, “Bodhisattvas in my Land are able to spontaneously hear whatever Dharma teachings they may wish.” They hear them through the trees and flowers.

In the Land of Saha there are many heretical masters; but, in the Land of Bliss, all beings are sagely and sacred. You will have many Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment as good companions.

In the Land of Saha people fight and murder because of money; but, in the Land of Bliss gold and jewels are everywhere. Hence, there is no point in people fighting over them.

Due to karmic obstructions, people in the Saha realm are not free to act. Our teachings and knowledge about the universe are very limited; so, it is said that, in the Land of Bliss, living beings have paranormal powers and can conveniently travel to any of the worlds in the ten directions within one thought, to hear teachings from all of the Buddhas conveniently.

Comparing the two worlds, we know the virtuous forms of the Pure Land are described for the sake of our pain and shortcomings. So, by understanding this main principle, we can appreciate the Dharma spoken by the Buddha, and not argue about the minor literal meanings of the descriptions.

(to be continued tomorrow)

137 淨土泛論 * (續上)








Namo Amituofo!