Thursday, November 7, 2024

November 5, 2024

Nov. 5, 2024
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

A Bridge from the Saha World to the Land of Bliss (continued)

In short, whoever recites the six-syllable name “Namo Amitabha Buddha” and aspires to be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss, is assured of gaining rebirth there. It is so very easy and simple.

Some people, unfortunately, misinterpret “single-mindedness” [in the practice of Amitabha-recitation]. They insist that the practitioner cannot be reborn despite his reciting the name of the Buddha, if he fails to achieve meditative concentration without delusion. Such a requirement is like erecting a fence several meters high in the middle of a bridge. It totally blocks off pedestrians and vehicles.

When Shakyamuni Buddha exhorts us “to recite Amitabha’s name single-mindedly”, would he want to build a wall to block off entrance to the Bridge of Amitabha’s name? By “single-minded” practice, Shakyamuni Buddha means to protect us. He does not want us to give up the practice or switch to other miscellaneous practices. His words are like the protective railings on both sides of the bridge, guarding us from falling off. He was in fact saying, “Be careful, my child! Watch where you step. Don’t be distracted! Don’t leave this bridge!” It is the same as saying, “Concentrate on your exclusive practice of Amitabha-recitation! Don’t waver and turn to other practices. Never ever give up Amitabha-recitation, which is your only way to liberation. Other practices will lead you nowhere.

15. 搭橋喻: 從娑婆世界到達極樂世界的橋 (續)


但有人把 「一心不亂」解釋得很難,說:「雖然念佛,如果不達到禪定摒除妄念就不能往生。」那等於是在這座大橋當中攔腰又起了一道好幾丈的高牆,把所有的人車統統擋住了。釋迦牟尼佛說念佛要「一心不亂」,難道是在名號大橋當中又攔一道牆嗎?不可能! 釋迦牟尼佛說念佛要「一心不亂」,是要保護我們,怕我們念念又不念了,念念又是雜行雜修了。所以「一心不亂」等於是名號大橋兩邊的保護欄杆,保護我們不要掉下去,等於是說:「你要走好啊!

留心啊,不要亂了腳步啊!不要離了這座橋啊!」所以說「執持名號,一心不亂」,囑咐我們說:「你念佛要專心啊!不要雜啊,不要亂了主張,丟了念佛唯一一 道又去修其他行不通的道啊!」

Namo Amituofo!