Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December 10, 2024

Dec. 10, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

09. The Verse on the Three Oaths

Answer to Previous question (continued)

2. Though uninvited, Guanyin Bodhisattva comes when a person recites Amitabha’s Name. Guanyin Bodhisattva always dwells on the crown on the head of Amitabha Buddha. Thus, Guanyin always accompanies Amitabha. Whenever someone recites Amitabha’s Name, Guanyin and Shizi will always accompany him and are protected by those on the two sides of Amitabha. The bodhisattvas are our wonderful friends and follow us like our shadows.

3. Being always protected by Amitabha’s light, it is unlikely that an Amitabha-reciter will experience calamities. Even if they come due to past karma, the damage will be minimal if he keeps on exclusively reciting Amitabha’s Name. If his mind wavers, it means his recitations are not exclusive. Thus, when it comes to rebirth in the Pure Land, an Amitabha-reciter knows that no other names of buddhas and bodhisattvas are better than Namo Amitabha Buddha.

09. 《無量壽經》三誓偈

09.1 問:有人說,「觀世音菩薩尋聲救苦,雖修念佛,急難之時還是要念觀世音菩薩名號」,是這樣嗎?




Namo Amituofo!