A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School
11. The Infinite Life Sutra - “A friend uninvited”
“Uninvited, they become friends to multitudes of beings and shoulder their heavy karmic burdens”...Unsolicited, they offer the Dharma to ordinary beings; and behave as a truly filial child should, out of love and respect for his parents. Theytreat sentient beings as themselves.
Question 11.1:
Someone says, “ If one should bear the consequences of one’s own offenses.” How can our retributions be borne by others? The concept of redemption is found in external paths, isn’t it?
To shoulder heavy karmic burdens for sentient beings, and to suffer for them, is the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism. It advocates great kindness and compassion in comprehensive deliverance of sentient beings.
All of the various schools of the Sacred Path emphasize self-powered cultivation, and not deliverance powered by Amitabha Buddha. The Pure Land School emphasizes the teaching of rebirth in the Pure Land, to achieve Buddhahood there, with recourse to the power of Amitabha Buddha’s vow. It is based on other-powered deliverance.
The karmic offenses of 8 billion kalpas are eradicated by Amitabha-recitation just ten times. It is like darkness vanishing when brightness comes. So, it is a kind of dependent origination related to other-power. In the Law of Dependent Origination there is no differentiation between self and other ; so, self and other are said to be interdependent.
The one to be delivered depends on the compassion of the one who delivers ; and, the one who delivers acts upon the mind of the one to be delivered.Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance is far beyond the redemption taught in all other worldly religions; because, regardless of one’s faith, aptitude, or slandering,
Amitabha’s compassionate deliverance is absolutely equal. Sentient beings are delivered by the power within Amitabha’s Name; so, those who recite his Name will automatically be delivered. It couldn’t be simpler!
Once they are delivered to the Land of Bliss, they are assured of becoming Buddhas. Hence, their emancipation is thorough and ultimate.
11. 《無量壽經》不請之友
11.1 問:有人說,「眾生自因自果,怎麼可能自己造罪別人負擔?這種救贖思想,外道才有」,是這樣嗎?
Namo Amituofo!