Wednesday, December 11, 2024

December 9, 2024

Dec. 9, 2024
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

09. The Verse on the Three Oaths

I have made vows that transcend all worlds.

I will surely attain the supreme Way.

Should those vows not be fulfilled,

May I not attain perfect enlightenment.

If, for countless kalpas, I should not be a great benefactor,

To save all the poor and afflicted,

May I not attain perfect enlightenment.

When I complete the Buddha-path,

My name shall transcend the ten directions.

Should it not be heard everywhere,

May I not attain perfect enlightenment.

Question: Some people say, “Guanyin Bodhisattva is the one to ask for help and relief from suffering. Even though we recite Amitabha’s name, we should still recite the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva when we are suffering or in danger. Is this correct?

Answer: The great compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva responds to and rescues many sentient beings who ask for help with their suffering. There were many accounts about it in the past. However, is it necessary for an Amitabha-reciter to switch over to reciting the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva when they experience calamities? No, it is not necessary. There are three reasons:

1. Amitabha Buddha is the teacher of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and his ability to hear the voices of those asking for help and relieving their suffering is much greater. While in his causal ground Amitabha Buddha vowed to save sentient beings who recite his Name. Thus, whenever someone recites his Name, Amitabha instantly knows and immediately emits his light to protect them.

(to be continued tomorrow)

09. 《無量壽經》三誓偈




09.1 問:有人說,「觀世音菩薩尋聲救苦,雖修念佛,急難之時還是要念觀世音菩薩名號」,是這樣嗎?




Namo Amituofo!