Friday, January 3, 2025

January 1, 2025

Jan. 1, 2025
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

12. The Infinite Life Sutra - Offer Abundant Meritorious Treasures

I shall open the Dharma Treasury for the multitudes, and offer abundant meritorious treasures. Single-mindedly he sought the pure, undefiled Dharma, so as to benefit sentient beings. He solemnly completed all undertakings, enabling sentient beings to accumulate merit.

Question 12.1 Someone says, ”The Land of Bliss was accomplished by the pure and undefiled Dharma of Amitabha Buddha. Thus, those who aspire to be reborn must have the corresponding pure and undefiled Dharma, without any false thoughts, in order to attain rebirth. Is that correct?


When Amitabha Buddha meditated for 5 kalpas in his causal ground and practiced cultivation for countless eons , he did not ask sentient beings to practice the way he did or follow his path in their causal grounds. His purpose was actually to accomplish the teaching of the “easy-practice,” for deliverance of sentient beings in the ten directions, through the exclusive recitation of his Name. He includes all of the flawless merits and virtues in his Name, and makes all of these easily available to sentient beings. That is the meaning of “to enable all sentient beings to fully receive all of his merits and virtues”. If sentient beings believe in this teaching, aspire to be reborn in the Pure Land, and exclusively recite Amitabha’s Name, they will realize one-ness with Amitabha’s heart. The real, flawless and pure Dharma is contained within this Name “NAMO AMITUOFO”, the crystallization of all merits and virtues.

12. 《無量壽經》廣施功德寶


12.1 問:有人說,「極樂世界由阿彌陀佛的無漏清白之法所成就,求願往生之人也必須不起妄念,以無漏清白之法與此相應」,是這樣嗎?


Namo Amituofo!