Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 15, 2025

Feb. 15, 2025
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

147 The Three Vows about the Causes and Effects of Rebirth and Becoming a Buddha

Among the 48 vows, which vows are related to the causes and effects of becoming Buddha? They are the 18th Vow, the 11th Vow and the 22nd Vow. The 18th Vow is the vow of rebirth through Amitabha-recitation, the 11th Vow is the vow of attainment of nirvana, and the 22nd Vow is the vow of becoming a Buddha through merit dedication after one-more-life.

The 18th Vow is a guarantee that all sentient beings can equally be reborn through the exclusive recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s Name. (This is called becoming a Buddha by “going”). Once reborn in the Land of Bliss, they will attain the fruitful reward of becoming a Buddha in Nirvana (This is called becoming a Buddha in “return” form.) Possessing the infinite compassion of a Buddha, one will certainly return to the worlds in the ten directions to comprehensively deliver sentient beings. This is actually the speedy attainment of “the fruitful reward”, as stated in the 22nd Vow.
(to be continued tomorrow)

147 往生成佛因果三願



Namo Amituofo!

Friday, February 14, 2025

February 14, 2025

Feb. 14, 2025
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

16. The Infinite Life Sutra - Splendid Benefits During the Buddha’s Stay

Wherever the Buddha comes to stay, there is no state, town or village which is not blessed by his virtues. The whole country rests in peace and harmony. The sun and the moon shine with pure brilliance; wind rises and rain falls at the right time. There are no calamities or epidemics; so, the country becomes wealthy and its people enjoy peace. Soldiers and weapons become useless; people esteem virtue, practice benevolence, and diligently cultivate courteous modesty."

Question 16: “Wherever the Buddha comes to stay”, people will receive the teachings and practice; thus, there is no war or calamities. However, since the Buddha has entered Nirvana, what is the meaning of this text for us now?

“Wherever the Buddha comes to stay” is not just about urban and rural areas; but, also within the hearts and minds of sentient beings. All Buddhas regard the minds of sentient beings as their workplaces, not just the places in which they stay.

When we are delivered by Amitabha Buddha, our hearts rest in peace and harmony; just like “the sun and the moon, they shine with pure brilliance”. Those with minds in which the Buddha dwells, will have no calamities. This is what is meant by “there are no calamities or epidemics”. Because people understand the compassion of Amitabha Buddha, they don’t have the need to struggle and fight with each other. Thus, “Soldiers and weapons become useless”.

16. 《無量壽經》佛世勝益


16.1 問:「佛所遊履」,佛所遊行過的地方,人民受到教化,沒有戰爭和災難。現在佛已涅槃,這段經文對我們來說有什麼意義?



Namo Amituofo!

February 13, 2025

Feb. 13, 2025
Clarifying Doubts About the Pure Land Teaching

Question 1: The Three Pure Land Sutras teach the importance of Name-recitation and faith. Would you please further explain the meaning of faith and exclusive Name-recitation? (continued)
Therefore, consistently practicing the exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name is the "karma of assurance" for rebirth. It excludes the need for any other practices. Moreover, other practices are based upon our limited roots of virtue and blessings, while exclusively reciting Amitabha's Name is based upon his abundant roots of virtue and blessings.
Thus, those who truly understand this will dedicate their time and energy exclusively to reciting Amitabha’s Name, without mixing it with other methods. The Pure Land teaching emphasizes exclusivity—dedicated practice—and uniqueness—one and only one. Among all Buddhas, Amitabha is supreme and unrivaled. Amitabha's light is the most exalted, beyond comparison with any other Buddha’s light. This "supremacy" and "uniqueness" make Pure Land practice the unparalleled path.
For us, Amitabha Buddha is our ONLY Buddha, the one we worship, the one whose name we recite, and the one whose deliverance we trust. Everything centers on Amitabha Buddha as the foundation.
"Miscellaneous good deeds" (note: with respect to rebirth in the Pure Land) refers to a mixed variety of practices. "Miscellaneous" means various types of good deeds, including what are called "myriad virtuous acts." Briefly stated, it includes the Threefold Learning and the Six Paramitas. In an expanded sense, it encompasses the 84,000 Dharma doors.

淨土法門講「專」 - 專修,講「唯一」 - 獨一無二。十方諸佛獨有阿彌陀佛是王,獨一無二。阿彌陀佛「光明最尊第一,諸佛光明所不能及」,「最」、「第一」,就是獨一。淨土法門是獨一的法門、無二的法門。

Namo Amituofo!

February 12, 2025

Feb. 12, 2025
Clarifying Doubts About the Pure Land Teaching (I)

Question 1: The Three Pure Land Sutras teach Name-recitation and faith. Would you please explain what is meant by faith and consistent exclusive name-recitation?
Amitabha Buddha's deliverance is unconditional, freely given to us, and already accomplished in the present moment. Our acceptance of that is called "faith." The phrase, "freely given to us and already accomplished," means that, after hearing about and believing in Amitabha's deliverance, all one needs to do is consistently recite his Name.
Whether one’s recitations are as few as ten times, five, one, for a single moment of thought, or as long as hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times—during one day or seven days; reciting “Namo Amitabha Buddha” will undoubtedly lead to rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land. This is known as "even as few as ten times."
This "recitation" naturally includes both "faith" and "practice." Faith is believing in Amitabha's salvation. Practice is reciting Amitabha Buddha's name. That’s all there is to it. Therefore, no additional conditions are necessary.
If someone has little time, they can recite less. If they have more time, they can recite more. Even if people hear about Amitabha's salvation only at the point of death—when their mouths and tongues are stiff and they cannot verbally chant—they can still mentally recite and be reborn in the Pure Land.
This mental recitation, even for the briefest moment, is the shortest and most direct practice. This is the meaning of "even for only one thought." At that moment of death, rebirth in the Pure Land is assured. If their life is extended, they will naturally continue to recite Amitabha’s Name, and their practice will evolve into reciting for one day, one year, or even a lifetime.
To seek rebirth in the Pure Land, one needs only to have faith in Amitabha’s offer and recite Amitabha's Name. If someone suggests reciting other mantras, such as the Rebirth Mantra, or worshiping and reciting the names of Avalokiteshvara, Ksitigarbha, or others, one should not follow them. Following such practices would be what Master Shandao called "miscellaneous good deeds based on circumstances."
Adopting such practices indicates a lack of understanding of Amitabha Buddha’s deliverance and shows an absence of the two types of deep faith: faith in one’s minimal aptitude and need to be delivered, and faith in the teaching of Amitabha’s deliverance through the exclusive recitation of his Name.
(to be continued tomorrow)


Namo Amituofo!

February 11, 2025

Feb. 11, 2025
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Three - Assisted-Recitation near the End-of-Life
第三部分 有關臨終助念

Question 34. Why can a person be reborn, even if he fails to recite Amitabha Buddha’s Name near his end-of-life; but, only recites it in the present life?
Rebirth is not necessarily determined only near the end-of-life. If we exclusively practice Amitabha-recitation and aspire to be reborn in the present life, we are assured of rebirth already. Even if we are unable to recite near the end-of-life, we will still be reborn. This is known as “Assured Rebirth in the present life” in the Pure Land School.
It is just like a big tree whose branches grow towards the west. When it is cut, it doesn't need any effort to make it fall down towards the west. It can also be compared to a person who boards a ship early, he will still arrive at his destination even if he sleeps without knowing the ship has sailed. Master Shandao said, “Amitabha-recitation is the assured karma for rebirth.”He didn’t say Amitabha recitation only before the moment of death is the karma of assurance.


Namo Amituofo!

February 10, 2025

Feb. 10, 2025
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

Compassionate deliverance is the objective of Buddhism. Loving-kindness is equal, clean and pure, not based on craving. A loving heart cannot become exhausted by receiving and making use of it.


Namo Amituofo!

February 9, 2025

Feb. 9, 2025
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

Foxes sleep in the broken sheds, and rabbits run over the empty stages, formerly used for singing and dancing.
Yellow flowers exposed to the cold, and withering grass in a mist of smoke. All these were battlefields in the old days.
Prosperity and decline are not permanent, strength and weakness do not last forever. It is sobering to think of all these.


Namo Amituofo!

February 8, 2025

Feb. 8, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 4E (74): Amitabha’s Compassion and Wisdom Expressed through the Inhibition and Embrace of Amitabha’s Deliverance - An Infinite Net

[The 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha] is like an infinite net with layer after layer of tactful expedients, each embodying the twin aspects of Amitabha’s deliverance: his all embracing compassion and warning wisdom. Regardless of whether the sentient beings in the ten directions are good or evil, or the severity of their offenses, all are contained in the infinite net of the 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha.

Just as all fish in the sea, from the largest whales to the smallest whitebait, can be caught in an infinite net with none overlooked, it is the same for all ordinary beings. Whether they are virtuous or evil, all are guaranteed rebirth in Amitabha’s Land of Bliss, provided they have a heartfelt aspiration to do so. Those who exclusively recite “Namo Amitabha Buddha” throughout their lives, are certain to be reborn.

Everyone can be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, if they practice exclusive Amitabha-recitation. Therefore, all sentient beings can be likened to marine life in a vast ocean, and Amitabha Buddha’s salvation is akin to an infinite net. Not a single fish can slip through this net.

4E (74) 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 大網喻

像這樣一層層的方便,每一層每一層都在顯示阿彌陀佛以攝取的救度跟抑止的警惕這兩門,也就是慈悲智慧雙運,使十方眾生不論是善是惡、善惡是輕是重,都在阿彌陀佛的第十八願大網之中。好像大海裏的魚, 無論是大鯨魚還是小魚、吻仔魚,都在這個大網裏面,沒有一條是被遺漏的。只要善惡凡夫,能夠迴心願生極樂,願生之後,一輩子專念這句「南無阿彌陀佛」,就沒有一個不能往生的。人人都可念佛,人人都可往生,所以,一切眾生如同大海中的水族,而阿彌陀佛的救度如同大網,絕無漏網之魚。

Namo Amituofo!

February 7, 2025

Feb. 7, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 4D (73): Amitabha’s Compassion and Wisdom Expressed through the Inhibition and Embrace of Amitabha’s Deliverance - Making an Emergency Call

As the saying goes, “Prevention is not always possible.” What if we commit a terrible wrong, such as one of the five gravest transgressions, or slander the correct Dharma? Will Amitabha Buddha refuse to save us? Surely not! In such a situation, consider it as if a fire has broken out - the larger the fire is, the more pressing it is to call for emergency services. Upon receiving the call, firefighters arrive promptly to combat the blaze. They don’t pause to inquire who started the fire, or whether it was an accident or an act of arson. The immediate priority is to extinguish the fire.

Calling for emergency help is a metaphor for a person turning around his mind . A person who once neglected fire safety, or even played with fire, now sees the disastrous consequences. In a critical, fearful state, he sends out a desperate call for help.Will the fire department ignore his plea? Certainly not. They will come to his rescue right away.

Amitabha’s compassion is the same. Regardless of how sinful a person is, if he has a change of heart and recites Amitabha’s Name, the Buddha will come to his rescue without delay. “Even those who committed the five gravest transgressions or slandered the right Dharma can be reborn in the Land of Bliss, if they express genuine remorse and aspire for rebirth”. It is also said that “All fear-ridden beings will be blessed with great peace [by Amitabha Buddha].” Of all possible fears, the most frightening one is, when a person who has committed the five gravest transgressions or slandered the right Dharma, sees the blazing fires of Hell before him while on his deathbed.

Just as a spreading fire threatens more lives and property, one who has committed such evil acts and is not saved, can continue to spread harm after his death, thereby hindering or even destroying the virtuous roots of others. Therefore, it is not just for the individual offender that Amitabha Buddha saves; but, also for the protection and salvation of many more beings.

Understanding this deepens our appreciation of the depth of Amitabha’s compassion. The phrase that states “Excepted are those, who commit the five gravest transgressions and slander the right Dharma,” further highlights the Buddha’s original intent to save even those who have strayed the furthest.

This is like a fire department which emphasizes fire safety because its duty is to extinguish and prevent fires. Departments who do not perform firefighting functions, naturally will not demand fire prevention measures from the public.

Of all the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha, only the 18th Vow contains the proviso about the five gravest sins and slandering the correct Dharma. This is because the 19th and 20th vows do not function in the same way. Only the 18th Vow, made with the intention of delivering all sentient beings to Amitabha’s Pure Land, can ultimately save those who have committed the gravest offenses. Therefore, only by reciting Amitabha’s Name in accordance with the 18th Vow, can the worst offenders find salvation.

4C (73) 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 報警喻

但俗話說「防不勝防」,萬一犯了惡,甚至是犯了五逆謗法的大惡,那又怎麼辦?難道阿彌陀佛就不救了嗎?不會的!那就要像著了火一樣, 越是大火越是要趕緊報警。一旦報警消防隊立即就到,立即救火,這個時候不會問:是誰著的火?是大意著的火,還是人為放的火?都不問,先救 火滅火再說。

報警就是迴心。先不注重防火, 甚至喜歡玩火,現在看到釀成大禍 了,情況危急了,沒有辦法撲救了,害怕恐懼了,發出一心求救的信號,消防隊接到火警會不來嗎?立即趕到!彌陀的慈悲正是如此,不管怎樣的罪人,迴心求救,立即來救,所以說「五逆謗法,迴心皆往」。所謂 「一切恐懼,為作大安」,一切恐懼中最大的恐懼就是造下了五逆謗法的重罪,臨命終時已經看見地獄之火燃燒的那一種恐懼。正因如此,五逆謗 法的人是必定要救,甚至是第一要救的。如同大火如果不及時撲滅的話,就會蔓延,傷及更多無辜的生命、財產;五逆謗法的人不救,從地獄出來後還是逆謗種子,惡種流布,會阻礙、斷滅更多眾生的世法、佛法善根,所以不管是為了他一人迴心求救,還是為了保護救度更多的眾生,都必定要救。

這樣來理解,我們會更加感動 於彌陀的慈悲,正因為有了「唯除五逆,誹謗正法」這八個字,才更加顯示出:阿彌陀佛發願的本意,正是要救度逆謗的眾生。



Namo Amituofo!

February 6, 2025

Feb. 6, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 4C (72): Amitabha’s Compassion and Wisdom Expressed through the Inhibition and Embrace of Amitabha’s Deliverance - Metaphor of Firefighting and Fire Prevention

Just as a fire department plays dual roles in both extinguishing fires and preventing them, Amitabha’s deliverance also has two aspects. The very establishment of a fire department serves to extinguish fires in the event of an outbreak and to advise on fire prevention and fire hazards. This dual function is integral and inseparable, employing different means to fulfill the same goal - to safeguard citizens lives and property. It is not enough to solely focus on extinguishing fires without a commitment to prevention, and no use focusing only on prevention without preparing to extinguish fires. It is essential to maintain stringent fire prevention measures while also being prepared to fight fires at any time. People should not neglect fire prevention or even intentionally start fires, simply because a fire department is in place to extinguish them. Nor should they doubt the readiness of the fire department to respond to a fire, simply because they are advised to take fire safety precautions.

The original intent of the 18th Vow of Amitabha Buddha is to extinguish the metaphorical fires of the Three Realms (the realms of desire, form, and formlessness), where sentient beings exist. This also includes the infernal flames of hell, where those who have committed the five gravest transgressions, and slandered the right Dharma suffer. This vow also includes an admonition to deter sentient beings from committing these two types of severe offenses.

In the Chinese text of the 18th Vow, the first seven sentences, totalling 28 characters, symbolize the act of extinguishing fires and represent the compassionate embrace of Amitabha’s deliverance. The final two sentences, with eight characters, serve as a preventative measure, akin to fire prevention, including the exception of those who commit the five gravest transgressions or slander the right Dharma.

Whether through his compassionate embrace (extinguishing fires), or prevention (deterring offenses), Amitabha’s aim is to protect sentient beings and guide them to his Land of Bliss. Both aspects are equally indispensable: the compassionate embrace is an expression of Amitabha’s unchanging promise of deliverance, and prevention serves to enhance it. Understanding this, we should strive to avoid evil actions, particularly the five gravest transgressions and slandering the right Dharma.

4C (72) 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 滅火防火喻

又像消防隊。消防隊有兩種作用,「消」是滅火,「防」是防火。成立消防隊的目的就是為了出現火災時滅火,但同時在火災沒有發生時要防火。也就是有火時滅火,無火時防火。滅火、防火是一體的、不分的, 是同一個目的的兩種不同的手段,都是為了保護公民生命財產的安全。只防火不滅火不行,只滅火不防火也不行。必須在嚴格防火的同時準備救火滅火,隨時準備救火的同時不放鬆防火安全。人們不能因為有消防隊滅火,就不注意防火,甚至隨便縱火; 也不能因為被要求防火安全就懷疑說:萬一失火了,恐怕消防隊不來救吧?

阿彌陀佛發第十八願,本意就是為了滅救眾生三界火宅之火,乃至五逆謗法的地獄之火,因此必須謹防眾生造此二罪。前面七句二十八個 字攝取,如同是滅火;後面「唯除五逆,誹謗正法」兩句八個字抑止,如同防火。不管是攝取還是抑止,目的都是為了保護、救度眾生往生極樂。攝取和抑止二者都不可少,攝取是永不改變的大前提,抑止是為了更好地攝取。瞭解了這一點,我們就會平時謹慎不犯惡,至少不犯逆謗的大罪大惡。

Namo Amituofo!

February 5, 2025

Feb. 5, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 25: Amitabha’s Deliverance Is Like the Moon — Always Keeping Company with Its Viewers

Amitabha’s deliverance is like the moon, which is equally mirrored in all the waters of the earth at moonrise. Lunar reflections appear everywhere, in the waters of oceans, rivers, brooks, and wells; even in basins and cups.

Meanwhile, the moon always follows us wherever we go, whether east or west. In fact, the moonlight shines on each and every one of us. We can all see it.

The same applies to Amitabha’s deliverance. Those who recite his Name are always embraced and protected by the Buddha’s light, whenever and wherever they are.

25. 如月相隨喻


Namo Amituofo!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 4, 2025

Feb.4, 2025
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

146. The Three Kinds of Lateral Transcendence (continued)

These are the three hurdles for sentient beings who try to cut off all delusions and realize ultimate truths through self-power: difficulty in leaving the cycle of birth-and-death, in avoiding detention in the Hinayana, realizing the state of non-retrogression in the Mahayana, and the great difficulty of reaching Nirvana directly.

Amitabha knows very well that ordinary beings have committed heavy karmic offenses, and have insufficient power to leave Samsara, not to mention becoming Buddhas? Thus, he enables sentient beings to recite his Name in accordance with his Fundamental Vow; so, they can directly leave reincarnation within the Six Realms, and attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land. This vow enables sentient beings to transcend both the Hinayana and Mahayana, and directly reach the reward land of Buddhahood. Thus, sentient beings can smoothly pass through the three hurdles, which is the meaning of lateral transcendence and rapid realization.

All sentient beings in the ten directions can attain assured rebirth by simply believing in Amitabha Buddha, accepting his deliverance, and exclusively reciting his Name. Once reborn, they are assured of becoming Buddhas. Once becoming Buddhas, they will comprehensively deliver sentient beings in the ten directions.

146 三橫超 (續)




Namo Amituofo!

February 3, 2025

Feb. 3, 2025
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

146. The Three Kinds of Lateral Transcendence

The second fascicle of the Infinite Life Sutra says, “You will surely transcend [worldliness], end [samsara], escape [the Saha world], and be reborn in the Land of Peace and Joy. You will quickly cut off (the cycle of rebirth) in the Five Wretched Realms, which will end as a matter of course. “This Path of ascension is limitless.”

One ought to know that the Pure Land teaching is laterally transcendent and leads to rapid realization. There are three kinds of lateral transcendence in Amitabha’s deliverance of sentient beings:

1. Direct lateral transcendence of reincarnation within the Six Realms that ends our suffering forever.

2. The direct lateral transcendence for Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas eliminates the detention of Hinayana practitioners.

3. Direct lateral transcendence that facilitates the three kinds of non-retrogression, and facilitates reaching Nirvana.

These three kinds of lateral transcendence are direct, simultaneous, and instant; bypassing eons of time, and the bodhisattva stages.
(to be continued tomorrow)

146 三橫超







Namo Amituofo!

February 2, 2025

Feb. 2, 2025
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

15. The Infinite Life Sutra - The Original Intent for the Buddha Appearing in the World

With infinite great compassion, the Tathagata commiserates with beings of the Three Domains. Therefore, he appears in the world to disseminate the teaching of the Way, wishing to save the multitudes by endowing them with real benefits.

Question 15.1:
The Lotus Sutra says, “ the Buddha, in accord with his original intent, appeared in the world due to the great causal conditions.” How does the original intent, stated in the Infinite Life Sutra, differ from the one in the Lotus Sutra?


The former is the original intent for the Sacred Path, while the latter is for the Pure Land Path. So, as the target audiences are different, the expedient means must also be. The former is to consolidate the Three Vehicles into One Vehicle, while the latter is to consolidate the Five Vehicles within the one Pure Land Vehicle equally. This allows for the coverage of sentient beings of different aptitudes and is the reason the Buddha retains the Infinite Life Sutra for circulation. Thus, we ought to know that this Sutra abides by the Buddha’s genuine original intent.



15.1 問:《法華經》言「佛以一大事因緣出興於世」,說為「出世本懷」,與《無量壽經》的「出世本懷」有何不同?



Namo Amituofo!

February 1, 2025

Feb. 1, 2025
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Three - Assisted-Recitation near the End-of-Life
第三部分 有關臨終助念

Question 33: A person aspires to be reborn and recites the Buddha’s Name in the present lifetime; but, he is in a coma near the end-of-his life. Can he still be reborn?
Answer: Yes. Please refer to the eye-witness account of M.S. Chiang on page 299 in the Third Collection of Accounts of Amitabha-Recitation.


Namo Amituofo!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

January 31, 2025

Jan. 31, 2025
Q and A about Practicing Amitabha-Recitation
Part Three - Assisted-Recitation near the End-of-Life
第三部分 有關臨終助念

Question 32: It is difficult to think clearly near the end-of-life; so, if I just listen to my family members reciting, can I be reborn?
Yes, you can! The situation is similar to someone at the lowest level in the low tier.He didn’t have enough energy to focus his mind or think clearly; but, simply listened to his good advisor reciting, and, in a flash, he was reborn! For example, if you don’t know how to write; but, a person guides your hand to write the words. In this way, you can write. A dying person cannot recite the Buddha’s name; but, he can listen to a good advisor reciting one by one. In this way, he can be reborn.


Namo Amituofo!

January 30, 2025

Jan. 30, 2025
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

All phenomenal circumstances are produced by the mind.
Give and you will be given. Seize and you will be seized.
Trust and you will be trusted. Doubt and you will be doubted.
Love and you will be loved. Hate and you will be hated.
Life is like an echo. What you send out is what you receive.
What you sow is what you reap. What you give is what you get.
How you treat others depends on how you judge them.
Our attitude toward others is a reflection of our attitude toward ourselves.
This is a universal truth - loving others is based on loving yourself.


Namo Amituofo!

January 29, 2025

Jan. 29, 2025
Master Huijing’s Short Dharma Teaching about the Grace of Deliverance

When walking alone in a meditative state, who asks about gossip?
All wealth will eventually be possessed by others.

Namo Amituofo!

January 28, 2025

Jan. 28, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 24: Amitabha’s Deliverance Is Like the Sun Shining on Everything

Amitabha’s deliverance is like the sun illuminating everything without favoritism. At sunrise, the sun shines on all mountains and plains, trees and grasses, and on people of virtues and vices. It lights up all beings on earth universally — animals, plants, minerals, etc., equally and unconditionally without discrimination.

24. 如日普照喻


Namo Amituofo!

January 27, 2025

Jan. 27, 2025
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

145 The Relationship between Amitabha’s Name and his Body (continued)

14. Master Yinguang said, “The Bodhi Way of Enlightenment, realized by Amitabha Buddha, is contained in his all encompassing Name. Don’t be surprised that one recitation transcends the ten Bodhisattva stages. One ought to know that the six characters include the teachings of the Three Vehicles.

15. The Sutra says, “The syllable “A” represents the Buddhas of the ten directions in the three periods of time. The syllable ‘mi' represents all bodhisattvas. The syllable “tabha” represents all 84,000 sacred teachings. Thus, the three syllables are complete.”

16. An ancient master said, “ The Name produces all of the interpenetrating virtues. The Buddha clearly appears at our mouths while reciting the Name. If one can hold the Name without any miscellaneous interruptions, one will have a countenance in purple-gold color with every recitation.

145 彌陀名體之關係 (續)





Namo Amituofo!