Clarifying Doubts About the Pure Land Teaching
Question 1: The Three Pure Land Sutras teach the importance of Name-recitation and faith. Would you please further explain the meaning of faith and exclusive Name-recitation? (continued)
Therefore, consistently practicing the exclusive recitation of Amitabha’s Name is the "karma of assurance" for rebirth. It excludes the need for any other practices. Moreover, other practices are based upon our limited roots of virtue and blessings, while exclusively reciting Amitabha's Name is based upon his abundant roots of virtue and blessings.
Thus, those who truly understand this will dedicate their time and energy exclusively to reciting Amitabha’s Name, without mixing it with other methods. The Pure Land teaching emphasizes exclusivity—dedicated practice—and uniqueness—one and only one. Among all Buddhas, Amitabha is supreme and unrivaled. Amitabha's light is the most exalted, beyond comparison with any other Buddha’s light. This "supremacy" and "uniqueness" make Pure Land practice the unparalleled path.
For us, Amitabha Buddha is our ONLY Buddha, the one we worship, the one whose name we recite, and the one whose deliverance we trust. Everything centers on Amitabha Buddha as the foundation.
"Miscellaneous good deeds" (note: with respect to rebirth in the Pure Land) refers to a mixed variety of practices. "Miscellaneous" means various types of good deeds, including what are called "myriad virtuous acts." Briefly stated, it includes the Threefold Learning and the Six Paramitas. In an expanded sense, it encompasses the 84,000 Dharma doors.
淨土法門講「專」 - 專修,講「唯一」 - 獨一無二。十方諸佛獨有阿彌陀佛是王,獨一無二。阿彌陀佛「光明最尊第一,諸佛光明所不能及」,「最」、「第一」,就是獨一。淨土法門是獨一的法門、無二的法門。
Namo Amituofo!