A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School
16. The Infinite Life Sutra - Splendid Benefits During the Buddha’s Stay
Wherever the Buddha comes to stay, there is no state, town or village which is not blessed by his virtues. The whole country rests in peace and harmony. The sun and the moon shine with pure brilliance; wind rises and rain falls at the right time. There are no calamities or epidemics; so, the country becomes wealthy and its people enjoy peace. Soldiers and weapons become useless; people esteem virtue, practice benevolence, and diligently cultivate courteous modesty."
Question 16: “Wherever the Buddha comes to stay”, people will receive the teachings and practice; thus, there is no war or calamities. However, since the Buddha has entered Nirvana, what is the meaning of this text for us now?
“Wherever the Buddha comes to stay” is not just about urban and rural areas; but, also within the hearts and minds of sentient beings. All Buddhas regard the minds of sentient beings as their workplaces, not just the places in which they stay.
When we are delivered by Amitabha Buddha, our hearts rest in peace and harmony; just like “the sun and the moon, they shine with pure brilliance”. Those with minds in which the Buddha dwells, will have no calamities. This is what is meant by “there are no calamities or epidemics”. Because people understand the compassion of Amitabha Buddha, they don’t have the need to struggle and fight with each other. Thus, “Soldiers and weapons become useless”.
16. 《無量壽經》佛世勝益
16.1 問:「佛所遊履」,佛所遊行過的地方,人民受到教化,沒有戰爭和災難。現在佛已涅槃,這段經文對我們來說有什麼意義?
Namo Amituofo!