Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 15, 2025

Feb. 15, 2025
Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching

147 The Three Vows about the Causes and Effects of Rebirth and Becoming a Buddha

Among the 48 vows, which vows are related to the causes and effects of becoming Buddha? They are the 18th Vow, the 11th Vow and the 22nd Vow. The 18th Vow is the vow of rebirth through Amitabha-recitation, the 11th Vow is the vow of attainment of nirvana, and the 22nd Vow is the vow of becoming a Buddha through merit dedication after one-more-life.

The 18th Vow is a guarantee that all sentient beings can equally be reborn through the exclusive recitation of Amitabha Buddha’s Name. (This is called becoming a Buddha by “going”). Once reborn in the Land of Bliss, they will attain the fruitful reward of becoming a Buddha in Nirvana (This is called becoming a Buddha in “return” form.) Possessing the infinite compassion of a Buddha, one will certainly return to the worlds in the ten directions to comprehensively deliver sentient beings. This is actually the speedy attainment of “the fruitful reward”, as stated in the 22nd Vow.
(to be continued tomorrow)

147 往生成佛因果三願



Namo Amituofo!