Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching
147 - The Three Vows about the Causes and Effects of Rebirth and Becoming a Buddha (continued)
How can sentient beings receive the benefits of the merits and virtues stated above? Master Tanluan said in his Commentary on the Shastra of Rebirth, we must rely upon Amitabha Tathagata’s 18th/ Fundamental Vow. In order to receive these merits and virtues, we must rely upon the 18th Vow, because it is most suited for ordinary beings. Our rebirth in the Pure Land, becoming a Buddha, and returning to the Saha worlds to deliver sentient beings, is already included within it.
Thus, Amitabha Buddha consolidates all of his merits and virtues within his six-character Name, to facilitate our rebirth and becoming a Buddha in his Pure Land. We then return to the defiled lands to benefit others through sharing our merits and virtues.
It is like a father who provides travel expenses to a child leaving home, these funds naturally cover both the journey to the destination and the return. Similarly, the essence of transferring merit and dedicating virtue is entirely embodied in Amitabha’s sacred Name. At the moment we hear about this Name, have faith in its virtues, and exclusively recite it; we immediately receive the benefits we need for rebirth in the Pure Land. Once there we attain Buddhahood and return to this defiled land to deliver sentient beings.
The forty-eight vows are fully realized as one, with these three vows serving as the framework that encompasses rebirth in the Pure Land, attaining Buddhahood, and guiding others. Thus, Amitabha’s 18th, 19th, and 20th vows are the core teachings of the Pure Land School.
147 往生成佛因果三願 (續)
Namo Amituofo!