A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School
15. The Infinite Life Sutra - The Original Intent for the Buddha Appearing in the World
With infinite great compassion, the Tathagata commiserates with beings of the Three Domains. Therefore, he appears in the world to disseminate the teaching of the Way, wishing to save the multitudes by endowing them with real benefits.
Question 15.1:
The Lotus Sutra says, “ the Buddha, in accord with his original intent, appeared in the world due to the great causal conditions.” How does the original intent, stated in the Infinite Life Sutra, differ from the one in the Lotus Sutra?
The former is the original intent for the Sacred Path, while the latter is for the Pure Land Path. So, as the target audiences are different, the expedient means must also be. The former is to consolidate the Three Vehicles into One Vehicle, while the latter is to consolidate the Five Vehicles within the one Pure Land Vehicle equally. This allows for the coverage of sentient beings of different aptitudes and is the reason the Buddha retains the Infinite Life Sutra for circulation. Thus, we ought to know that this Sutra abides by the Buddha’s genuine original intent.
15.1 問:《法華經》言「佛以一大事因緣出興於世」,說為「出世本懷」,與《無量壽經》的「出世本懷」有何不同?
Namo Amituofo!