Monday, February 24, 2025

February 23, 2025

Feb. 23, 2025
A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School

17. The Infinite Life Sutra - Strive to Escape and Reach the Way
You should each make a great effort to attain it. Strive to escape from Samsara and be born in the Land of Peace and Joy.
Then, the causes of the five evil realms having been destroyed, they will naturally cease to be.
So, you will progress unhindered in your pursuit of the Way. The Pure Land is so easy to reach that no one is unable to go there.
This Land has no violations to Dharma Nature, and all are naturally governed.

Question 17.01: Are the virtuous fruits of humans and heavenly beings, which arise from the Five Precepts and Ten Good Deeds, also considered "evil"?

Answer: From the perspective of the worldly Dharma, doing good is certainly a hundred or even a thousand times better than committing evil. However, from the perspective of the transcendental Dharma, while worldly goodness can bring about favorable karmic rewards, it cannot lead to liberation from the cycle of birth and death (Samsara). Therefore, when compared to transcendental virtuous practices, worldly goodness still contains aspects of "evil."
Master Yinguang said in his Expanded Collection of Letters, "Worldly good deeds do not transcend Samsara. When compared to the Pure Land practices of faith, vow and practice for rebirth, such good deeds are still considered flawed."

17. 《無量壽經》超絕橫截

17.1 問:人天善果來自五戒十善,難道也說為惡?

Namo Amituofo!