Friday, February 14, 2025

February 7, 2025

Feb. 7, 2025
Wonderful Metaphors in the Pure Land School

Metaphor 4D (73): Amitabha’s Compassion and Wisdom Expressed through the Inhibition and Embrace of Amitabha’s Deliverance - Making an Emergency Call

As the saying goes, “Prevention is not always possible.” What if we commit a terrible wrong, such as one of the five gravest transgressions, or slander the correct Dharma? Will Amitabha Buddha refuse to save us? Surely not! In such a situation, consider it as if a fire has broken out - the larger the fire is, the more pressing it is to call for emergency services. Upon receiving the call, firefighters arrive promptly to combat the blaze. They don’t pause to inquire who started the fire, or whether it was an accident or an act of arson. The immediate priority is to extinguish the fire.

Calling for emergency help is a metaphor for a person turning around his mind . A person who once neglected fire safety, or even played with fire, now sees the disastrous consequences. In a critical, fearful state, he sends out a desperate call for help.Will the fire department ignore his plea? Certainly not. They will come to his rescue right away.

Amitabha’s compassion is the same. Regardless of how sinful a person is, if he has a change of heart and recites Amitabha’s Name, the Buddha will come to his rescue without delay. “Even those who committed the five gravest transgressions or slandered the right Dharma can be reborn in the Land of Bliss, if they express genuine remorse and aspire for rebirth”. It is also said that “All fear-ridden beings will be blessed with great peace [by Amitabha Buddha].” Of all possible fears, the most frightening one is, when a person who has committed the five gravest transgressions or slandered the right Dharma, sees the blazing fires of Hell before him while on his deathbed.

Just as a spreading fire threatens more lives and property, one who has committed such evil acts and is not saved, can continue to spread harm after his death, thereby hindering or even destroying the virtuous roots of others. Therefore, it is not just for the individual offender that Amitabha Buddha saves; but, also for the protection and salvation of many more beings.

Understanding this deepens our appreciation of the depth of Amitabha’s compassion. The phrase that states “Excepted are those, who commit the five gravest transgressions and slander the right Dharma,” further highlights the Buddha’s original intent to save even those who have strayed the furthest.

This is like a fire department which emphasizes fire safety because its duty is to extinguish and prevent fires. Departments who do not perform firefighting functions, naturally will not demand fire prevention measures from the public.

Of all the 48 vows of Amitabha Buddha, only the 18th Vow contains the proviso about the five gravest sins and slandering the correct Dharma. This is because the 19th and 20th vows do not function in the same way. Only the 18th Vow, made with the intention of delivering all sentient beings to Amitabha’s Pure Land, can ultimately save those who have committed the gravest offenses. Therefore, only by reciting Amitabha’s Name in accordance with the 18th Vow, can the worst offenders find salvation.

4C (73) 攝抑二門,悲智雙運妙喻之 - 報警喻

但俗話說「防不勝防」,萬一犯了惡,甚至是犯了五逆謗法的大惡,那又怎麼辦?難道阿彌陀佛就不救了嗎?不會的!那就要像著了火一樣, 越是大火越是要趕緊報警。一旦報警消防隊立即就到,立即救火,這個時候不會問:是誰著的火?是大意著的火,還是人為放的火?都不問,先救 火滅火再說。

報警就是迴心。先不注重防火, 甚至喜歡玩火,現在看到釀成大禍 了,情況危急了,沒有辦法撲救了,害怕恐懼了,發出一心求救的信號,消防隊接到火警會不來嗎?立即趕到!彌陀的慈悲正是如此,不管怎樣的罪人,迴心求救,立即來救,所以說「五逆謗法,迴心皆往」。所謂 「一切恐懼,為作大安」,一切恐懼中最大的恐懼就是造下了五逆謗法的重罪,臨命終時已經看見地獄之火燃燒的那一種恐懼。正因如此,五逆謗 法的人是必定要救,甚至是第一要救的。如同大火如果不及時撲滅的話,就會蔓延,傷及更多無辜的生命、財產;五逆謗法的人不救,從地獄出來後還是逆謗種子,惡種流布,會阻礙、斷滅更多眾生的世法、佛法善根,所以不管是為了他一人迴心求救,還是為了保護救度更多的眾生,都必定要救。

這樣來理解,我們會更加感動 於彌陀的慈悲,正因為有了「唯除五逆,誹謗正法」這八個字,才更加顯示出:阿彌陀佛發願的本意,正是要救度逆謗的眾生。



Namo Amituofo!