A Discussion on Excerpts from the Scriptures of the Pure Land School
17. The Infinite Life Sutra - Strive to Escape and Reach the Way (continued)
Question 17.02: Some people say, "It’s not easy to attain rebirth in the Pure Land. If it were, why are there so many people seeking rebirth; but so few actually achieving it?"
Answer: The phrase "so easy to reach that no one is unable to go there" highlights a characteristic of the Pure Land school. The difficulty in attaining rebirth isn’t because it’s hard to achieve; but, rather because it’s too easy! This leads to an inability to believe in the teaching that "all sentient beings who recite Amitabha Buddha's Name will certainly attain rebirth."
Many practitioners cling to the idea of relying solely on their own efforts to sever delusions and attain enlightenment, and disregard the Fundamental Vow of Amitabha Buddha. They impose limitations upon themselves, establish their own criteria, and eventually lose their aspiration for rebirth because they feel they cannot meet these "standards."
In reality, there isn’t a single sentient being within the ten directions who cannot attain rebirth. The number of those who should attain rebirth is immeasurable and boundless. However, the actual number of people who achieve rebirth is exceedingly small. Compared to those who could potentially attain it, the proportion is almost zero, like a finite numerator divided by an infinite denominator. Thus, it is said that "it is so easy to reach that no one is unable to go there."
17. 《無量壽經》超絕橫截 (續)
17.2 問:有人說,「往生淨土是不容易的,不然怎麼求生的人多、往生的人少?」
Namo Amituofo!