Basic Knowledge in the Pure Land Teaching
148. Reciting the Name of Guanyin Bodhisattva for Rebirth Still Relies on Amitabha Buddha’s Vows (continued)
2. From “In Praise of Pratyutpanna” by Master Shandao: "On the celestial crown is an emanated Amitabha Buddha a thousand li tall, constantly honored in gratitude for his compassionate grace."
In the Contemplation Sutra, particularly in the section describing the visualization of Guanyin Bodhisattva, it is stated that “on Guanyin Bodhisattva’s head rests an image of Amitabha Buddha in a transformed form, standing 25 yojanas tall.”
● "Celestial": means possessing profound, wondrous, noble, and supreme qualities.
● "Crown": refers to the Bodhisattva’s headpiece, a "celestial crown."
● "Transformed Buddha in the crown": the image of Amitabha Buddha in the celestial crown is described as being 1,000 “li” (Chinese measurement for a mile”) tall.
Why is the transformed Buddha placed upon the crown? This symbolizes Guanyin Bodhisattva’s deep remembrance of Amitabha Buddha and her gratitude for his compassionate vow to save sentient beings. It reflects Guanyin Bodhisattva’s constant reverence, acknowledgment, and repayment of Amitabha Buddha’s boundless grace.
"Constantly honored in gratitude for the compassionate grace" emphasizes that Guanyin Bodhisattva continually venerates Amitabha Buddha, demonstrating utmost respect and gratitude for his compassionate salvation.
(to be continued tomorrow)
148 念觀音聖號往生,仍不出彌陀願力 (續)
2. 善導大師《般舟讚》說:天冠化佛高千里,念報慈恩常頂戴。
Namo Amituofo!